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7124 Datensätze

This data set represents the monthly, accumulated results of the final (10-day) version of the fire perimeters from the "Burnt Area Daily NRT Incremental Product - Europe, Sentinel-3" dataset.
The burn perimeters are spatially and temporally correlated, so that interrelated detections from consecutive observations are combined into a single feature.
A perimeter is interpreted as belonging to a given event if a spatial overlap exists within a time frame of 15 days. Besides the geometry, attribute information is also combined while considering the size of the perimeter as a weighting factor.
Each feature contains information about the final fire perimeter, Date/Time of the first detection, and the averaged burn severity.

Luft- und Raumfahrt
Bereitgestellt durch

German Aerospace Center (DLR)

Art des Datenzugangs


Aktualität der Datensatzbeschreibung

Wed Jan 18 13:52:03 GMT 2023

Zeitbezug der Daten

Fri Apr 01 00:00:00 GMT 2016 —




This collection contains tropospheric NO2 columns for Germany and surrounding areas derived from Sentinel-5P/TROPOMI Level-1B data.
The Sentinel-5P tropospheric NO2 data is generated by DLR and provided in the framework of the mFUND-Project "S-VELD".
The tropospheric NO2 data are vertical column densities with the unit "µmol/m2".
Sentinel-5P observes Germany once per day at ~12:00 UTC. These daily observations are gridded onto a regular UTM grid.
The day and measurement time are included in the netCDF data file.
Only tropospheric NO2 data for cloud-free Sentinel-5P measurements are provided (cloud fraction < ~0.2).
Sentinel-5P cloud fraction data is included in this collection as well.

mFUND-Projekt: S-VELD, FKZ: 19F2065A

Luft- und Raumfahrt
Bereitgestellt durch

German Aerospace Center (DLR)

Art des Datenzugangs


Aktualität der Datensatzbeschreibung

Wed Jan 18 13:52:03 GMT 2023

Zeitbezug der Daten

Thu Feb 01 00:00:00 GMT 2018 — Wed Dec 30 00:00:00 GMT 2020




The dataset is based on the analysis of forest cover dynamics in the Paraguayan Chaco (northeastern part of Paraguay) between 1987 and 2020. The underlying forest masks were derived through annual forst classifications with a Random-Forest-Classifier trained on Landsat data from 1987 until 2020. The map shows the year in which the forest area was lost.

Luft- und Raumfahrt
Bereitgestellt durch

German Aerospace Center (DLR)

Art des Datenzugangs


Aktualität der Datensatzbeschreibung

Wed Jan 18 13:51:59 GMT 2023

Zeitbezug der Daten

Wed Dec 31 23:00:00 GMT 1986 — Thu Dec 31 22:59:59 GMT 2020




This product shows the snow cover duration for a hydrological year. Its beginning differs from the calendar year, since some of the precipitation that falls in late autumn and winter falls as snow and only drains away when the snow melts in the following spring or summer. The meteorological seasons are used for subdivision and the hydrological year begins in autumn and ends in summer. The snow cover duration is made available for three time periods: the snow cover duration for the entire hydrological year (SCD), the early snow cover duration (SCDE), which extends from autumn to midwinter (), and the late snow cover duration (SCDL), which in turn extends over the period from mid-winter to the end of summer. For the northern hemisphere SCD lasts from September 1st to August 31st, for the southern hemisphere it lasts from March 1st to February 28th/29th. The SCDE lasts from September 1st to January 14th in the northern hemisphere and from March 1st to July 14th in the southern hemisphere. The SCDL lasts from January 15th to August 31st in the northern hemisphere and from July 15th to February 28th/29th in the southern hemisphere.
The “Global SnowPack” is derived from daily, operational MODIS snow cover product for each day since February 2000. Data gaps due to polar night and cloud cover are filled in several processing steps, which provides a unique global data set characterized by its high accuracy, spatial resolution of 500 meters and continuous future expansion. It consists of the two main elements daily snow cover extent (SCE) and seasonal snow cover duration (SCD; full and for early and late season). Both parameters have been designated by the WMO as essential climate variables, the accurate determination of which is important in order to be able to record the effects of climate change. Changes in the largest part of the cryosphere in terms of area have drastic effects on people and the environment.
For more information please also refer to:

Dietz, A.J., Kuenzer, C., Conrad, C., 2013. Snow-cover variability in central Asia between 2000 and 2011 derived from improved MODIS daily snow-cover products. International Journal of Remote Sensing 34, 3879–3902.
Dietz, A.J., Kuenzer, C., Dech, S., 2015. Global SnowPack: a new set of snow cover parameters for studying status and dynamics of the planetary snow cover extent. Remote Sensing Letters 6, 844–853.
Dietz, A.J., Wohner, C., Kuenzer, C., 2012. European Snow Cover Characteristics between 2000 and 2011 Derived from Improved MODIS Daily Snow Cover Products. Remote Sensing 4.
Dietz, J.A., Conrad, C., Kuenzer, C., Gesell, G., Dech, S., 2014. Identifying Changing Snow Cover Characteristics in Central Asia between 1986 and 2014 from Remote Sensing Data. Remote Sensing 6.
Rößler, S., Witt, M.S., Ikonen, J., Brown, I.A., Dietz, A.J., 2021. Remote Sensing of Snow Cover Variability and Its Influence on the Runoff of Sápmi’s Rivers. Geosciences 11, 130.

Luft- und Raumfahrt
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Art des Datenzugangs


Aktualität der Datensatzbeschreibung

Wed Jan 18 13:51:47 GMT 2023

Zeitbezug der Daten

Fri Dec 31 23:00:00 GMT 1999 — Sun Feb 27 23:00:00 GMT 2022


The Soil Composite Mapping Processor (SCMaP) is a new approach designed to make use of per-pixel compositing to overcome the issue of limited soil exposure due to vegetation. Three primary product levels are generated that will allow for a long term assessment and distribution of soils that include the distribution of exposed soils, a statistical information related to soil use and intensity and the generation of exposed soil reflectance image composites. The resulting composite maps provide useful value-added information on soils with the exposed soil reflectance composites showing high spatial coverage that correlate well with existing soil maps and the underlying geological structural regions.

Luft- und Raumfahrt
Bereitgestellt durch

German Aerospace Center (DLR)

Art des Datenzugangs


Aktualität der Datensatzbeschreibung

Wed Jan 18 13:51:42 GMT 2023

Zeitbezug der Daten

Thu Apr 12 22:00:00 GMT 1984 — Sat Nov 08 23:00:00 GMT 2014




The dataset is based on an analysis combining Sentinel-1 (SAR), -2 (Multispectral) and GEDI (Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation, LiDAR) data to model vegetation structure information.
The derived products show high-spatial resolution maps (10 m) of total canopy cover (cover density in %), Foliage height diversity (Fhd) index in meter, Plant area index (Pai) in meter and canopy height (rh95) in meter.

Luft- und Raumfahrt
Bereitgestellt durch

German Aerospace Center (DLR)

Art des Datenzugangs


Aktualität der Datensatzbeschreibung

Wed Jan 18 13:51:41 GMT 2023

Zeitbezug der Daten

Sun Mar 31 22:00:00 GMT 2019 — Mon Sep 30 21:59:59 GMT 2019




This product is a shape file of all detected forest patches in the Paraguayan Chaco that are larger than 10 hectars fort he years 2000, 2010, and 2020. Every forest patch contains information on its perimeter, size, shape, and core area. By looking at all forest patches together, an impression can be gained of the fragmentation of the forest in the Paraguayan Chaco.
Proximity is a measure of fragmentation. Areas of large and close by forest patches show high proximity values while isolated patches or patchest hat are only surrounded by small forest patches, have a small proximity.
The Core area index quantifies the share of core area in the entire forest patch area. Thereby, corea area is the area of a forest patch with at least 500m distance to the edge of the forest.
The Shape index is calculated from perimeter and area of a patch. The fragementation of a forest often has the effect that the ratio between area and perimeter is affected. The edge lengths become longer while the surface area becomes smaller.

Luft- und Raumfahrt
Bereitgestellt durch

German Aerospace Center (DLR)

Art des Datenzugangs


Aktualität der Datensatzbeschreibung

Wed Jan 18 13:51:38 GMT 2023

Zeitbezug der Daten

Fri Dec 31 23:00:00 GMT 1999 — Thu Dec 31 22:59:59 GMT 2020




This product comprises monthly composites and temporal statistics of selected vegetation indices (VI) for all of Germany from 2015 to today in 10m resolution, which were calculated using the DLR TimeScan processor. VIs (EVI, HA56, NDRE, NDVI, NDWI, PSRI and REIP) were calculated from Sentinel-2 Level 2A data at 10m spatial resolution produced by means of the DLR-PACO processor. Monthly compositing and temporal statistics are based on all valid observations per vegetation index. Derived variables per index are: minimum, maximum, mean and standard-deviation as well as the number of valid observations. Products are available in tiles according to the ESA Sentinel 2 granule grid (UTM). This is a product of AGRO-DE project (

Luft- und Raumfahrt
Bereitgestellt durch

German Aerospace Center (DLR)

Art des Datenzugangs


Aktualität der Datensatzbeschreibung

Wed Jan 18 13:51:32 GMT 2023

Zeitbezug der Daten

Tue Jun 30 22:00:00 GMT 2015 —




The product contains information of tree canopy cover loss in Germany per district (Landkreis) between January 2018 and April 2021 at monthly temporal resolution. The information is aggregated at from the 10 m spatial resolution Sentinel-2 and Landsat-based raster product (Tree Canopy Cover Loss Monthly - Landsat-8/Sentinel-2 - Germany, 2018-2021). The method used to derive this product as well as the mapping results are described in detail in Thonfeld et al. (2022). The map depicts areas of natural disturbances (windthrow, fire, droughts, insect infestation) as well as sanitation and salvage logging, and regular forest harvest without explicitly differentiating these drivers. The vector files contain information about tree canopy cover loss area per forest type (deciduous, coniferous, both) and per year (2018, 2019, 2020, January-April 2021, and January 2018-April 2021) in absolute numbers and in percentages. In addition, the vector files contain the district area and the total forest area per district.

Luft- und Raumfahrt
Bereitgestellt durch

German Aerospace Center (DLR)

Art des Datenzugangs


Aktualität der Datensatzbeschreibung

Wed Jan 18 13:51:31 GMT 2023

Zeitbezug der Daten

Sun Dec 31 23:00:00 GMT 2017 — Fri Apr 30 21:59:59 GMT 2021




This product comprises yearly composites and temporal statistics of selected vegetation indices (VI) for all of Germany from 2015 to today in 10m resolution, which were calculated using the DLR TimeScan processor. VIs (EVI, HA56, NDRE, NDVI, NDWI, PSRI and REIP) were calculated from Sentinel-2 Level 2A data at 10m spatial resolution produced by means of the DLR-PACO processor. Yearly compositing and temporal statistics are based on all valid and cloud-free observations per vegetation index. Derived variables per index are: minimum (min), maximum (max), mean, standard-deviation (sd), average absolute difference between observations (masd) as well as the number of cloud-free observations (n-cloudfree) and the total number of observations (n-obs). This is a product of the AGRO-DE project (

Luft- und Raumfahrt
Bereitgestellt durch

German Aerospace Center (DLR)

Art des Datenzugangs


Aktualität der Datensatzbeschreibung

Wed Jan 18 13:51:29 GMT 2023

Zeitbezug der Daten

Thu Dec 31 23:00:00 GMT 2015 —


